The Moon Princess Trilogy is a novelization of all the events from Sailor Moon. The Trilogy is made up of three section: Moon Kingdom, Tokyo, and Crystal Tokyo. The stories that make up the Trilogy are season summaries and movie summaries all in one and most of all, it is in chronological order, so it is a Sailor Moon timeline as well. Putting all of the events in Sailor Moon in chronological order is very difficult because the Sailor Moon timeline doesn’t always make sense and many parts of time are vaguely described in the anime/manga but I did my best. The date references throughout the Trilogy are based on the assumption that the events that took place in an episode occurred around the same time the episode aired. This assumption is based on the fact that special holidays and events happened in real time. For example, if it was Christmas time, it would also be Christmas time on the show. I entitled this collection “Moon Princess Trilogy” because it is made up of three parts and my ultimate focus was to follow the history of the Serenity’s of the Moon (Queen Serenity, Princess Serenity, Neo-Queen Serenity, and Small Lady Serenity).

The Trilogy is based on the Japanese anime of Sailor Moon. At the end of part, there is a section called “Moonlight in Manga”, which highlights the difference between the anime and manga in the story of Sailor Moon.

Do not use the content of the Trilogy on your own web site. Thank you.

The story you are about to read is based on the Japanese version of Sailor Moon and uses Japanese names for all the characters. If you are not familiar with the Japanese names, please refer to the Name Guide. English names for characters will also appear in ( ) when a character is first introduced.

Moon Kingdom

Promises of the Past


Blossoms of the Present

Crystal Tokyo

Revelations of the Future